Here is my latest endeavor, the MMDVM high power hot spot.  It consist of a MMDVM modem board, an open-source multi-mode digital voice modem coupled with a Raspberry-Pi 3.  It will support D-STAR, DMR, Fusion and P25.  It can be used in Duplex as well as simplex as a built-in repeater controller. It is coupled with a Motorola CDM1250.  It will be used to boost my home station and act as a simplex repeater and gateway to the D-STAR network.  Testing shows these PI-STAR hot spots work well as remote gateway devices with great range, Mine aproximately 20 miles.

My High Power Hot Spot can be accessed by setting your radio as:

set frequency as 147.555

URcall   cqcqcq

rpt1  w4ccq  C  (2spaces) between q and C

rpt2   w4ccq  G



Raspberry-Pi Zero with Zumspot top hat

Here pictured is a zumspot board mounted on a Raspberry zero.  It uses minimal power makes a great mobile or portable repeating gateway devices.  Linked via wifi a hand held radio can access Repeaters and reflectors or talk groups all over the world.  These little guys can cost $100.00 or less and run on open source software available as free ware.




Raspberry-Pi 3  with a Zumspot top hat

Same ZUM-SPOT on a full size Raspberry Pi computer that sells for $35,00.  It offers a bit more connectivity with 4 usb ports and full size HDMI and audio ports. OLED displays are avalible at little or no coast.